Pondering my ‘ikigai ’ at De Zeekoe
Finding Ikigai at De Zeekoe: A serene escape in Oudtshoorn to reflect, recharge, and reconnect with purpose amidst nature’s beauty.
Winter warmer in frigid Swartberg
Experience a cozy winter escape at De Zeekoe, near the stunning Swartberg mountains, with warm hospitality, adventure & scenic beauty.
Family Fun in the Klein Karoo
The beautiful towns of Oudtshoorn and De Rust are the perfect destinations for family-friendly fun. From ostriches to exploring the famous Cango... Continue Reading
Klein Karoo Klassique
When there is snow on the mountains of the Klein Karoo it signals not only that winter is here in full glory, but it also marks the start of the crown jewel of classical music festivals: the Klein Karoo Klassique.
De Zeekoe Bied Heerlike Verskeidenheid!
Die KKNK is om die draai! En familie, vriende en kennisse van regoor die land kontak on as Oudtshoorniete tans vir aanbevelings oor verblyf en plaaslike aktiwiteite.
Activities on the De Zeekoe Farm
De Zeekoe offers a wide range of activities on the farm, that is why a 2 night or more stay is recommended... Continue Reading
The Oudtshoorn Area
De Zeekoe is only a 10 min drive from Oudtshoorn and perfectly based to explore the scenic attractions of the Klein Karoo... Continue Reading
De Zeekoe’s Fauna & Flora
Fauna De Zeekoe is blessed with 162 bird species. Unique under them is our resident Fish Eagle pair, currently being studied by... Continue Reading
Farm Life at De Zeekoe
On this 2000 hectares of land, modern technology and a diversity of farming is to be seen with cattle, sheep, springbok and... Continue Reading