18 May

Klein Karoo Klassique

Die Klein Karoo in die hartjie van die winter, is verreweg die mees digterlike plek om ’n naweek van inspirerende klassiekemusiek te ervaar. Die Swartberge onder haar sneeukombers, die knetterende vure in Oudtshoorn se voorste restaurante en die immergroen landskap – is tipies aan hierdie klassieke fees wat aangevul word deur visuele kunsuitstallings en die beste kosse en wyne uit die distrik. ’n Fees wat voorwaar die liggaam, hart en siel voed. Vanjaar se vyfde Klein Karoo Klassique bied weereens intieme uitvoerings, wonderlike kamermusiek-, koor- en orkeskonserte en bied ’n platform vir menige Suid-Afrikaanse jonger klassieke musikante. Hoogtepunte van die instrumentele repertoire komplementeer die uitsonderlike aanbod van klassieke sang. Kom geniet saam met ons die verskeie ervaringe wat die program bied.

There could hardly be a more poetic and hospitable setting for a weekend of inspired classical music than the Klein Karoo in winter. Typically with a poetic dusting of snow on the Swartberge, crackling fires in Oudtshoorn’s fine restaurants and the Klein Karoo countryside at its greenest, this festival of classical music accompanied by visual arts, food and wine from the region truly warms the body, heart and soul. This year’s festival – our fifth – again offers intimate recitals, wonderful chamber music, choral and orchestral concerts and provides a platform for many of South Africa’s most accomplished younger classical musicians. Highlights of the instrumental repertoire complement an exceptionally strong offering of classical singing for various forces, including our first “allebreve” condensed concert opera performance. There is much to relish in and around this musical programme.

Klein Karoo Klassique 2013 – 18 August 2013

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